
rate of profit中文是什么意思

  • 利润率



  • 例句与用法
  • Choice of technique and the rate of profit
  • Capitalization rate of profit rent
  • The annual rate of profit growth was 21 . 2 % , some six percentage points higher than people had expected
    利润的年增长率为21 . 2 % ,大约比人们的预期值高出6个百分点。
  • Products find a good sale all parts of the world average rate of profit products ,
  • Then i contrasted these factors , such as concentration to scale economics , concentration to rate of profit and so on
  • And why with a high rate of profits and taxes to capital , the market share of state - owned industrial enterprises in the whole industry constantly decreased
  • As the interest rate marketing has such profound influence to our country ’ s economy under this condition , our country ’ s interest rate system actually has serious issue : for example the datum interest rate formulation manifests the fairness market competition principle with difficulty , the society average rate of profit has not yet formed ; the market rate level lack the effective binding force when the enterprise want to uses their funds ; the majority commercial bank cannot completely follow to the market rule when they display their function ; also our country lacks the corresponding legal laws and regulations in the interest rate market advancement to make the safeguard for the enterprise ; the interest rate structure is unreasonable and so on
  • To accelerate economic growth it is essential to increase the degree of specialization of enterprises , to raise the technical level of all personnel significantly and train and evaluate them carefully , to greatly improve economic accounting in the enterprises , and to raise labour productivity and rates of profit to much higher levels
  • After operation , t he annual sales income can reach 624 million yuan , income tax of 55 million yuan , profix after taxes of 111 million yuan . investment rate of profit and taxes is 21 . 7 % , internal profit rate befove taxes of 20 . 7 % , payoff period of 6 . 5 years . the profit and loss balance point is low and the project has stronger ability against risks
    六经济和社会效益估算投产后,年销售收入62397万元,所得税5455万元,税后利润11076万元。投资利税率21 . 7 % ,内部收益率税前20 . 7 % ,投资回收期税前6 . 5年,盈亏平衡点低,具有较强的抗风险能力。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In economics and finance, the profit rate is the relative profitability of an investment project, of a capitalist enterprise, or of the capitalist economy as a whole. It is similar to the concept of the rate of return on investment.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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